Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Talk to me/Tell me your sign/You're switching sides like a Gemini/You're playing games and now you're hittin' my heart/Like a drum

I've been internally debating bangs for weeks now. Yes. No. Yes. No. Maybe. Yes. No. Yes. I am not a fan of hairdressers; unlike most people I find the time in the chair rather tortuous and the results are rarely what I had hoped for anyway. Thus I tend to have either really short hair (when I get that itch to have it all cut off) or a long period of growing out the short cut. I am currently in that growing out stage, almost two years since I had it cut to under an inch all round. It's beyond my shoulders which is officially "long," right?

Anyway, bangs. I knew that if I went to a hairdresser, my hair would end up shorter everywhere (they always promise not to cut too much but they always do) so I've been shoring up my courage to do the deed myself. Today was the day. And I'm pretty happy with the results.

Like anyone gives a shit. But hey, it's my blog.


Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

Hey, thanks!