Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bacon and eggs

Bacon and eggs go together like...bacon and eggs. Pasta alla carbonara is one of my favorite ways to eat bacon and eggs when it's not breakfast time and it's a completely simple and very delicious dish. All you need is hot pasta (and I will say it again: PASTA BOAT!), beaten egg, grated cheese and bacon (or pancetta, of course). To Friday night's dish I also added some chopped parsley and basil (swiped from Deb's garden - thanks, Deb!) and the basil added a really nice level of flavor. A touch of cream can be really good added to carbonar, but I didn't have any and I didn't really miss it.

Feeling somewhat lackadaisical about dinner Saturday night and having neglected to get anything else out of the freezer, I turned to bacon and eggs again. This time in a spinach salad with a fried egg on top. Spinach, tomato, leftover potatoes crisped in bacon grease (!), bacon, and croutons tossed with balsamic vinaigrette, topped with a crispy edged fried egg (in bacon grease!).

I feel a bit like the dog in that treat commercial, "It's bacon!"

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