Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Not Quite Meatless Monday and Chicken Thighs

I feel a bit of a failure, missing out on two Meatless Mondays in a row. I succumbed to barbeque on the Fourth of July and yesterday the lure of another Nicoise salad overcame me. Plus I could prepare the components in advance, meaning I didn't have to do any meaningful cooking in the oppressive heat of yesterday afternoon and evening. And, well, I fucking love Nicoise salad. This time I opted for canned tuna and I think it was better than the fresh grilled stuff. I have fairly recently become a convert to the olive oil packed tuna and it was perfect for the salad. Water-packed tuna just seems so very bland and boring now.
Tonight I decided to marinate some chicken thighs in white wine vinegar, some oil, garlic and a little pile of herbs from my garden - rosemary, oregano and basil. Some corn on the cob, shucked and put right on the grill (I have no idea why people bother with the process of pulling the husks back, removing the silk and putting the husks back on) to get a bit of char on it. Some asparagus sauteed with a bit of mushroom (I would have used a lot of mushroom but my container had mostly gone slimy) finished it off.

It was an actual pleasure to grill outside once the rain came and went. Nothing like being outside and not instantly sweating, for a change.

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