Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I didn't feel pain, 'cause no-one can touch me/Now that I'm held in your spell

It's been way too many days since I've posted and today (actually already tomorrow) isn't really an exception. I haven't had a day off work since last Thursday and while I spent over six hours in a coffee house online that day, I spent more time chatting and emailing with friends than thinking about the blog.

I promise more tomorrow when I will be suitably self-obsessed. In the meantime, who wants to hire me? I'm an ace exec assistant with a zillion years experience, I'm a DJ, I can craft a cunning piece of jewelry and sew a damn cute purse. And, last but not least, I can boss around baristas while making a delicious latte with one hand tied behind my back. Come on, I need a job, people!

Till tomorrow.

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